The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Expedition Services & Training
The Sunnywood Project is an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) for the Expedition Section of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Section
As a DofE Expedition AAP, we can work with established groups such as, schools and youth groups, as well as individuals to provide training for expeditions and assistance of facilitation of expeditions.
Established Groups
Whether you've got an idea, a plan, or starting from scratch - We can help you get your Expedition off the ground.
We can help you:
With organising programmes of training, practice, and qualifying expeditions.
With organising the expeditions for groups that you have trained.
By providing a team of supervisors to supervise expeditions where you have trained the groups and planned the expedition.
By providing a few supervisors to work alongside your staff and under your direction.
By providing assessors for your expeditions

Individual DofE Participants
Maybe you've got an Expedition coming up or maybe it's been a while and you'd like a refresher - Our training days are perfect to get you up to speed in the following areas of Expedition readiness:
Campcraft, equipment and hygiene
Food and cooking
Emergency procedures
Navigation and Route Planning
Kit selection and care
You can view and book our training courses below!
If you're looking to complete your Expedition section with a practice or qualifying Expedition, we also run Open Expeditions. These will be announced through our Social Media channels and listed below, but feel free to get in touch with us if you would like more information.