Through the Thickest of Thickets!
Tread carefully, Traveller! You are about to enter the Thickest of Thickets, home of the gnome known as Thurgood the Temperamental!
As you travel down the path to your left, you pass to the left of Thurgood's Toilet, a big hole in the ground - Why a gnome needs something as large as that is beyond my wisdom to answer.
Some say Thurgood the Gnome was born belligerent, others say incurably cursed with callousness, but either way, the Thicketed path before you is his domain. Go quietly on, silently even, and you may escape his ire! Although, you are an Adventurers! Bold and resolute! Perhaps you would prefer to be LOUD and BOISTEROUS, challenging Thurgood for his Thicket? Ha, it is your choice, Adventurers!
Push on, through the Thicketed Path and you will emerge with a field to your left. Many have been caught out coming the other way, lured into a false sense of security by such a gentle, rolling pasture. Not you though - Ha!
Continue on, Adventurers, to the junction where you must choose - Left along the river, or right into the Woods?