Chesham Level 1
Level Up with The Sunnywood Project’s Time Trial Challenge
The Sunnywood Project Time Trials are a series of brand new, awesome self-led games designed to challenge you to get outside, get active and explore some of Bury’s local trial routes with the family.
Stage 1: Choose Your Setting There are currently three Time Trial game settings to choose from:
Kirklees Valley Local Nature Reserve
Clarence Park & Chesham Woods
Close Park, Radcliffe
Stage 2: Choose your Level of difficulty: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 The Levels vary in their distance and difficulty.
Level 1 is less than 1km whereas Level 3 is around 5km.
Stage 3: Set your timer on your phone or watch to record how long it takes your team to walk, jog or run your chosen route.
Follow the map and marker signs along the route.
Remember, this is a team effort –don’t leave anyone behind!
Once your whole team crosses the finish line, don’t forget to stop your timer!
Scan the QR code on completion of your chosen route to register your team’s time on The Sunnywood Project’s leaderboard. And leave a supportive message for other teams to read too.
Once we receive your team’s time, you will then be sent your team’s finisher certificate. Send us a photo of your team on completion of the route so we can also celebrate your success on The Sunnywood Project’s social media.
Ultimate Time Trial Challenge
Looking for an even greater challenge with your team? Complete all three routes in each of the three locations to have your team’s name appear on our ‘Hall of Fame’ page on The Sunnywood Project website.
Chesham Level 1
Starting Location: Clarence Park, Walmersley Road. Information board at main park entrance.
Distance: 0.6 KM
Difficulty: Easy
This route has been designed so children can attempt the Time Trial by themselves and still be seen by their parent/carer.
Start your route at the Time Trial Level 1 sign. Don't forget to use your phone or watch to time yourself or each other.
Run, jog or walk around Clarence Park, keeping to the path
Finish at the Time Trial level 1 sign. Don't forget to stop your clock!
Scan the QR code and fill in the form to submit your time!
Email your photos to info@thesunnywoodproject.co.uk
This GPX file will allow you to view the route on your mobile device. To use this GPX file, you will need to download a GPX compatible app such as Osmaps, GPX tracker or GPX viewer.
If you are unable to use the GPX you can view the map and instructions below and follow the way markers.